trevi construction site with vehicles in the foreground and skyline in the background

Soilmec Division

employees walking around the company

Our Business

Soilmec, part of the Trevi Group which is among the world leaders in the field of special foundations, was founded in 1969. It is currently present in over 70 countries, with a network of subsidiaries, agents and dealers. Today, it is one of the largest companies in the field of design, production and sales/marketing of equipment and means for drilling and foundation works. Bridges, viaducts, power plants, dams, ports, highways, subways and railways, geothermal and small diameter drilling: Soilmec can meet any request and requirement, even the most complex and articulated.

Innovation is the main driver of growth. In fact, the beating heart of Soilmec is precisely the Research & Development Center: mechanical engineers and designers, exclusively dedicated to the continuous development of new technologies and solutions tailored to customer requirements.   

Our branches around the world

From Patagonia to Hong Kong, from the United Arab Emirates to Australia, from Italy to Iceland,
a Soilmec machine is at work in over 90 countries on 5 continents, even right now.

Soilmec’s internationality rests on the pillars of a widespread and efficient distribution network that
includes 45 offices worldwide among distributors, agents and subsidiaries.